Having picked your site the first step is to establish whither it is suitable for the treatment and disposal of wastewater. This requires the completion of a Site Characterisation Report including Percolation tests.
Based on these results Septic Tank Solutions will develop solution based on a Septic Tank and percolation area or the installation of a Secondary Treatment system.
Septic Tank Solutions will:
Prior to submission of a Planning Application a Site Characterisation Report must be completed. There are a series of sequential steps required in the completion of the report.
Much information is available on the characteristics of the general area and the site from published sources.
A visual assessment of the site will identify potential vulnerable targets and identify areas that require specific consideration.
This gives vital information on the feasibility of safely treating and disposing of wastewater within the boundaries of the site.
All the above information is taken into account to determine the type of system that best suits the site. A standard septic tank and percolation area will not be sufficient on all sites. Treatment systems combined with soil polishing filter may be required where there is restricted space, a high watertable or shallow soil cover over bedrock.
Presentation of information to allow Local Authority make a decision on the acceptability of the site and the proposed treatment and disposal of the wastewater
A standard septic tank and perculation area will give effective treatment and disposal of waste water on sites with good quality soil. Solids are removed in the septic tank and contaments in the effluents are degraded in the soil. Generally this requires a minimun of 2 meters of free draining soil.
Water Table
Not all soils are suitable due to high water table, shallow cover over bedrock or slow soakage. In these situations a treatment system is installed with the effluent polished in a percualtion area or a soil polishing filter. Generally this requires a minimum of 900 mm of free draining soil, where this is not available the perculation area or soil polishing filter can be raised above existing ground level.
Septic Tank Solutions will design and install the most cost effective solution for your site!
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